
Brandon Harrell
Feb 17, 2020
Mortgage Monday: Tax Prep for Homeowners
Aside from traditional income forms such as the W-2 and 1099, documents that homeowners should have on hand for tax preparation include:

Barb Deggans
Feb 14, 2020
FAQ Friday: How Do I Start to Buy a House?
If you've never done it before, buying a house isn't an easy process. There's so much you probably don't know, so where do y

Brandon Harrell
Feb 10, 2020
Mortgage Monday: Practical Uses for Your Tax Refund
Make a down payment on a house
If you are considering buying a house, this could be an excellent time! Use your tax money toward a down paym

Barb Deggans
Feb 4, 2020
Why Are Real Estate Transactions so Stressful?
The reason so many issues come up in real estate transactions is there are so many people and steps involved. It's nearly impossible to

Brandon Harrell
Feb 3, 2020
Mortgage Monday: Pre Approval vs. Pre Qualification
A pre-approval is determined after the lender’s more in-depth analysis of the borrower’s income, expenses, assets, liabilities and credit sc