
Barb Deggans
Jul 4, 2019

Barb Deggans
Jul 3, 2019
Jul 2, 2019
Residential Structural Elements- Front Gabled Roof
Front-gabled houses have a gable roof and the front door is under the gable. The gable is the area at the front and back of the house...
Jul 1, 2019
Residential House Styles- Gothic Revival
The influence of English romanticism and the mass production of elaborate wooden millwork after the Industrial Revolution fueled the...

Barb Deggans
Jun 28, 2019
Armed Forces Day
Armed Forces Day is tomorrow. Thank you for your service!!

Barb Deggans
Jun 27, 2019
A Couple Sales in June
A huge thank you to my new friends, the Scanlons, on trusting me with the purchase of their first home in St. Pete. They're such nice...

Barb Deggans
Jun 26, 2019