
Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Oct 10, 2017
Breast Cancer in Men
The male breast Though boys and girls begin life with similar breast tissue, over time, men do not have the same complex breast growth...

American Lifestyle Magazine
Oct 8, 2017
A Simple Show of Support
When a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, it might seem like there are no right words to say. You might be afraid of saying something...

American Lifestyle Magazine
Oct 6, 2017
Breast Cancer by the Numbers
Breast cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed forms of cancer in the world. There have been great strides made in research and...

American Lifestyle Magazine
Oct 4, 2017
Busting Breast Cancer Myths
breast cancer facts and fiction There are plenty of myths and supposed cure-alls out there for how to both prevent breast cancer and stop...

Barb Deggans
Sep 26, 2017
How to Raise Your Credit Score
I've been asked a lot lately about how to raise your credit score in order to qualify for a mortgage. Here are a few tips to get you...

Barb Deggans
Sep 5, 2017
Hurricane Readiness Info
Here is some useful hurricane readiness and evacuation info...Let's hope we don't end up needing it.

Kelsey Ramírez/Housing Wire
Aug 22, 2017
Fannie Mae joins Freddie in allowing appraisal-free purchase mortgages
Allows property inspection waiver on some low LTV loans Fannie Mae is now following suit in the appraisal-free arena by allowing property...