Aug 14, 2019
Aug 6, 2019
Residential Structural Elements- Saltbox Roof
Saltbox roofs are typical of colonial architecture in New England. A saltbox house is two stories high in the front and has a low sloping...
Aug 5, 2019
Residential House Styles- Shotgun
Tradition has it that if you fire a shotgun through the front doorway of this long, narrow home, the bullet will exit directly through...

Angies List
Aug 2, 2019
7 House Habits to Break in 2019
Did you know that the bad habits you practice at home could actually cost you money? If you’re guilty of any of these seven home care...

Angies List
Aug 1, 2019
Planning an Outdoor Living Space? Start Here
After a long, cold winter, installing an outdoor living space is a very popular spring home project. There several things that a...