Jul 31, 2019
Residential House Styles- Shingle
This American style originated in cottages along the trendy, wealthy Northeastern coastal towns of Cape Cod, Long Island, and Newport in...
Jul 30, 2019
Residential Structural Elements- Pavilion Hipped Roof
Pavilion-hipped roofs have four sloping planes that meet in a single point. They are sometimes also called pyramid-hipped roofs and are...

Kayleigh Roberts
Jul 24, 2019
6 Surprisingly Petty Issues That Can Sabotage a Home Sale
Selling a home can be a long, time-consuming process, especially if the seller and potential buyers butt heads. Sometimes, the issues...
Jul 23, 2019
Residential House Styles- Saltbox
This New England Colonial style got its name because the sharply sloping gable roof that resembled the boxes used for storing salt. The...

Lauren Sieben
Jul 19, 2019
6 Household Items You Should Replace Regularly—and What Happens If You Don’t
Until Homeownership 101 becomes a prerequisite for obtaining a mortgage, most of us will learn how to handle many household tasks through...