Jul 5, 2019
Residential House Styles- Greek Revival
This style is predominantly found in the Midwest, South, New England, and Midatlantic regions, though you may spot subtypes in parts of...
Jul 2, 2019
Residential Structural Elements- Front Gabled Roof
Front-gabled houses have a gable roof and the front door is under the gable. The gable is the area at the front and back of the house...
Jul 1, 2019
Residential House Styles- Gothic Revival
The influence of English romanticism and the mass production of elaborate wooden millwork after the Industrial Revolution fueled the...
Jun 24, 2019
Residential House Styles- Georgian
Befitting a king--in fact, the style is named for four King Georges of England--Georgian homes are refined and symmetrical with paired...
Jun 20, 2019
Residential Structural Elements- Cross Gable Roof
Cross gable roofs have two or more gable rooflines that intersect. A house with a basic gable roof will have a rectangular shape, but a...